Monday 28 November 2011

Neighbourhood Bay...

Yesterday I had the pleasure of Baileysitting all day!  We had such a lovely time.  I arrived at Miss R and Mr R's flat just after 10am after only 3 and a half hours sleep {more about that later} to find Mr B in his usual playful mood.  I grabbed his lead, a bag of treats and some toilet bags and off we went to our local dog friendly park Tiverton for some running around with other dogs.  I was a little nervous about going as this was my first time letting Bailey off his lead on my own and I was terrified I would somehow lose him and have to explain to my sis and mobro that whilst they had being running Miss R's stall at Bust market in Bethnal Green I had lost their beloved puppy. I obviously hadn't fully appreciated the power of a vigorous shake of the treat bag to get his attention!  After much running around and frolicking with other dogs, in particular a gorgeous Labradoodle we walked home and enjoyed a midday/afternoon nap on the sofa.  It was bliss.  I then got busy in the kitchen cooking up a belated Thanksgiving dinner for Miss R and Mr R's return after a very busy day at the market. Whilst I cooked up a storm Bay slept some more every now and again getting up to check out what was going down on their street, and we thought Daddy Bijoux was a bit of a nosey neighbour!
Posted by: Miss J

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