For those of you who know me I am going through a hair color transition at the moment. After several years bleaching {deep frying} my hair white blonde and setting in heated rollers daily, a la Marilyn I decided that I needed to give my hair a break and prohibit the peroxide for a while! When you are giving yourself an impromptu hair cut every time you brush your hair (fellow bleach blonders will know what I'm talking about) it's time to listen to your hair. So here I am with super roots and the lasts of my 'blonde ambition' ends holding on for dear life. I am dealing with this lock limbo-land by rainbow colouring my ends, they are currently ruby red but were powder pink and baby blue before that.
Anyway I will get to the point, the cool that is Charlotte Free and her signature candy pink rinsed hair.

Unique A/W 2011-12

LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE. Her hair is sooo super cute. She looks amazing.