Firstly a huge apology for my delay in starting the seemingly mammoth task of blogging/showing you the wedding and how all our collecting over the last 6 months ended up looking on the big day....after the wedding myself and my husband (hee hee...I'm still getting used to this,) had to find a new home and fast, this process took rather longer than we'd hoped and was a pretty stressful start to married life, thankfully we are now happily settled in a new flat and enjoying turning it into our home. So here goes I'll start with the invitations.....
Making all the invitations was huge fun, I had asked my Mum if I could use some of my Grandad's old stamp collection to decorate the envelopes and planned to use stamps from England, Ireland and Australia to represent mine and Mr R's heritage and also stamps from Italy as this is a country we love to visit and was where we got engaged last summer. My slight OCD got the better of me and I of course had to then group the stamps in colour and tone on each individual envelope before commiting to securing them. (I do make things difficult for myself don't I now?) Lining the envelopes with the vintage music paper was quite a task and my perfectionist Virgo ways came out in full force (again...) even reading the lyrics that were visible and seeing if they had any relevance to anyone we were inviting. Mr R's Mum is called Mary and this name was mentioned in a song so of course that had to be Mr.R's Mum and Dad's invitation. It transpires that the song inside the envelope was a tune that Paddy used to sing to Mary and that they love. How cute is that? What a beautiful coincidence! All the hard was worth it as lots of friends complimented me on the lnvitations and they really did set the tone from the start for the day.